December 18, 2017
What a Circus
September 29, 2018

I’m sorry


Hi All,

I am so sorry it has been such a long time since I last spoke with you. I have been in mourning. My mother died in January and although I know her salvation was promised as she was a Christian, I deeply experienced her loss. It was a great surprise to me. I know that sounds very strange, but let me explain. I foolishly thought I was beyond mourning. I had had my own death experience, and knew that the life of the body might end but the soul did not. My experience filled me with joy, knowing my mother would be safe and happy with the Lord. I totally ignored Ecclesiastes 3:4. There is a time to mourn. We are allowed to be sad. I needed to give myself that permission. God gave me that permission, but I thought I knew more. I am so very thankful our God is so forgiving. He allowed me my foolishness, then showed me my mistake. Needless to say, I took the time to mourn. Thank you, Jesus.

As for book news, Redemption suffered for my arrogance, but is now getting back on track. I’m no where close to having a completion date, but I’m hoping to have the first draft done within the next couple of months. I am trying to learn better organizational skills. I used to have some, but not so much anymore. This is a very busy summer for me. My youngest child will (praying) graduate high school, my oldest just separated from the military and moved home until the fall when he’s going back to school, and my daughter is getting married. Wow. I’m already exhausted, and all I have to do is be present at these events. Has that ever worked for anyone out there? If you don’t have children, then it might have. If you do have children, then there is always a ton of small (?) errands/tasks that only mom can be trusted with. It is wonderful being needed.

I’m going to do my best to be more faithful with this blog, but no promises. I try very hard to never break a promise, so I won’t make one unless I’m sure I can keep it. I will however try my best.

Until the next time, May God bless you and yours.



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